Sunday, January 5, 2014

Getting Ahead of the Ball

My challenge for you this week:  Do something that is going to save you time and stress next month.  

I know what you are thinking, "We are barely into this month, lady."  I know, I know.  Hear me out though. February is a short month (28 days this year) and it tends to spring by without us knowing.  Look at your calendar and see what you have going on that you are already aware of. 

1.  Of course the obvious - Valentines Day. Start to plan your gifts now so that you aren't grasping at straws and standing in line at Target on the 14th with everyone else whom it crept up on.  If you start planning now, you will have more time to make your gifts so much more personal than just a ho-hum card designed just for, well, everyone. 

2.  If you know that your child has a birthday party to attend, by the gift now instead of the night before or day of.  

3.  If you have appointments and need a sitter, schedule the sitter now so that you aren't in a panic the week before because everyone is busy.

4.  If there is a baby shower on your calendar, plan the gift out now so that you aren't left buying the boring diapers on the registry.  Oh yay, diapers... BORING!  

5.  Something even as simple as a friends birthday can be scheduled for in advance.  If you know that their birthday is coming up, buy a card now and get it ready to send instead of sending a text this year. Even though we are all adults, it's still exciting to get 'real mail' on our birthdays that is not from our Mom and Dad.  

If you can stay ahead of the ball, you will have time and sanity to do the things that you really want to be doing next month.  I'm just guessing, but I don't imagine that stressing out is one of those things.  


1 comment:

  1. You are SO good!! And, you helped me remember that I forgot a baby shower I have this Sunday!! Forgot to get my gift today and will do it tomorrow so I don't have to try to find something (diapers) Saturday PM!!! ;)
