Friday, June 13, 2014


By now everyone should have their little's out of school and home for the summer.  What an exciting time!  I wanted to share some really fun and easy ideas for outdoor play that we plan on trying out this summer.  Are some of them messy? Yes, but who cares, isn't that the point!?!  With a little shout and Mr. Clean eraser, you'll be back to brand spankin' new. Get those kiddos off the electronic teet, give them some sunlight and watch them smile.  

1.  DIY: Pool Noodle Race Track

2.  Embellished Flip Flops

3.  Rainbow Bubble Snakes

4.  Glitter Sidewalk Chalk

5.  Ice Excavating

6.  Lava Lamps

7.  Splash Balls

8.  Sand Slime

9.  Quicksand Play Dough

10.  Kid Made Bird Feeder

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