Saturday, January 4, 2014

Writing Your Story

After a year, I have realized that I need a home for my thoughts. During 2014, I am going to be taking a much needed journey with me, myself and I (and of course you). I am on a mission to find "my happy".  Along the way I hope that I can help you find yours as well if you have lost it, or maybe just rejuvenate what you already have. Here you will find honestly, authenticity and truly raw thoughts and feelings.  I will post meaningful quotes, of course my thoughts, things I do with my kids during school and otherwise, organizing tips, recipes, hot topics, crafts for kids (and adults), exercise tips and who knows what else. There will be breakthroughs, vents, joy, tears, misspelled words and probably bad grammar; but during all of that I hope to find a "me" who not only I can be proud of but my family can as well. If you are interested in joining me (stalking is fine too), grab your cup of coffee in the morning or whatever calms you at night and join me. May we each be blessed in the New Year to be all we can for Him, ourselves, our family and each other. 

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog. Can't wait to read more! Sandra rains
