Monday, January 20, 2014

This Is How We Roll.

Today we, and by we I mean me, are touching up the walls inside of Casa Huen.  You know the drill... spots EVERYWHERE.  Where did all of these marks come from that I look around and see smacked right upside my walls?  Oh yes, I remember.  The football print leftover from the never ending game of indoor tackle ball?  The constant need to touch the wall no matter what meal is being devoured.  The muddy boots brought in from outside and swung ever so gently intensely into the wall.  And let us not forget the footprint from the attempt at an Olympic sized handstand.  Point is, they need to be gone.  We have light colored walls so whatever escapades have taken place, if not covered, we will always have proof of the crime.

I wanted to share a couple tips with you that help the process go quicker for me.

First, go through your old leftover paint cans and put them in something that is going to not only be easily stored, but that will not leave rust particles in your paint.  Label them with both color and what room they belong in.  This way you can easily find the one that you need and not end up with the wrong color on your walls.

Second, before you pour your paint into your pan, cover it with tin foil.  This way you won't have to clean up a horrendous mess after you are done. These few seconds will save you lots of time in the end.

And, paint!

Make those walls look clean and fresh.  Spring is upon us, well at least here in Texas, so get your lists made of what you want to accomplish before we enter the inferno.

Happy Painting!

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