Friday, January 17, 2014

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

So if you haven't already noticed, it's January and with that comes resolutions of weight loss and health. From October to well, now, has left me feeling quite round and soft.  Not to mention, pale. Can we say lily of the valley. Moving on. I don't know if any of you have seen the
Chubby Bunny Challenge, 
but for me it hits a little close to home. Between the pumpkin spice, peppermint brownies and every other sweat treat known to the holiday season and to Starbucks, they have all entered my mouth one way or another.  Now that I have gifted each of you with that lovely image...Happy New Year!  

So my lovely children, to which I brought into this world and gave the gift of life, asked me the other day if I had a baby in my tummy.  Oh Saint Helena! What ,What?   After scrapping myself up off the ground from which I had just fallen to my death I replied, "Well, yes I do.  Mommy has a sugar baby in her tummy." The following day I, along with my two little Honest Abe's, took a trip to Hobby Lobby where they felt a burning desire to inform the cashier that their Mommy was carrying a sugar baby in her tummy.  The poor woman's face was stunned, however, in no where near as paralyzed a state as that of my own.  I mean since when do we go to Hobby Lobby to share stories?  We are there for crafts and not a thing more.  

In the following days I will post more about my weight loss journey and how why I have ended up where I am at this moment.  
But in the meantime, I'm saving for some tie dyed rainbow running shoes that I am praying will give me mad running skills like that of Usain Bolt.  In my mind I know I am Insane, but we will see which story holds true.  

Whether you are looking to loose weight, be more healthy or just trying to find something to feed to the hungry beaks in your family, here is a really yummy chicken dinner.  We are big on sweet potatoes around here so we add that along with another vegetable and call it a day.  

Happy Eating

The World’s Best Baked Chicken
Serves: 4
  • 4 chicken breasts
  • generous ½ cup of plain low-fat greek yogurt
  • generous 3 tbs of grated parmesan cheese
  • 2 tsp. finely chopped garlic (fresh)
  • 1 tsp. finely chopped onion (fresh)
  • a good pinch of salt & pepper
  • 1 tsp. dried italian herbs 
  1. Preheat over to 375
  2. Place chicken breast in a large resealable bag or between sheets of wax paper and give them a good whack with the bottom of a pan or a rolling pin. Alternately, if they are coming out of the freezer and are still a bit icy, you could butterfly the breasts (and adjust the cooking time accordingly)
  3. Mix the rest of the ingredients in a bowl – taste it, you’ll melt!
  4. I took each of my pieces of chicken and pulled them through the yogurt coating on either side. You could just dump it in the ziplock but I really wanted to keep as much of the coating as I could!
  5. Place chicken breasts on a foil lined cookie sheet (so they aren’t touching)
  6. Bake for 30-35 minutes
  7. Turn broil to high for about 2 minutes before I took them out so they got nice and toasty on the top.

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