Wednesday, January 8, 2014

For Just a Moment

Worship is important for not only adults, but for kiddos too.  I came across this book by Max Lucado titled Grace for the Moment.  It has 365 Devotionals geared toward little minds.  At the end there is a question or two to get the little minds thinking.  In our family, worship is first on the plate right along with breakfast...literally.  It's hard to find time to work anything else in to your morning routine, so why not have worship at the table with your little ones while they eat.  I like the fact that this book has two options for purchase. You can buy it on Amazon by clicking here  for your Kindle for ONLY $2.99 or if you would rather have it in book form you can buy it in Hardback here. 
I believe that as parents it is our duty to start our kids day out right by helping them to realize who is on their side that day and everyday.  To each them who will be there for them during the day if they are away at school and Mommy or Daddy isn't there.  Who will be there with them when they need to say a quick prayer before a test or a reading assignment.  Who will be there when they need to choose what's the right thing to do when it may not be the cool thing to do.  It is our job to teach our children that there is never anything to small or silly for God.  By sharing the joy of talking to Jesus each day will build their relationship early and will become a habit in their lives early on.  What a blessing!   
These devotions are short and sweet and can easily be finished by the time their tummies are full.  If you don't have time at the breakfast table, the great thing about this book being in Kindle version is that you can have it on your iPad or iPhone which is also with you while you are sitting in the dreadful drop off lane.  If you choose to find a way, there are many ways to make sure that your children are fed each morning both physically and spiritually.  Who can pass up great spiritual growth for only $2.99?  That's cheaper than a cup of coffee!  Much cheaper than my coffee at least.  
I love the following verse and have to admit that it is a passage in scripture that played a huge part in why we chose to homeschool our kiddos and remains as a constant reminder for us as to why we still do.  Have a wonderul day Momma's.  
Deuteronomy 6:7 
You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.


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