Friday, January 10, 2014

Hands On Fridays

I have decided to do a segment each Friday called Hands On Fridays.  I have posted before about how my little dude sometimes needs that 'little extra' to keep him motivated. Something other than just sit down paperwork. I put a lot of time into finding different manipulatives to help the kiddos learn.  Our brains learn in so many different ways, why not utilize every way we can to help our kids. Sight, sound, touch, taste. Inside or outside, the possibilities are endless.
Monkey is very much like I was and still am in that we learn much easier and faster when what we are learning is more visual rather than just from a book.  I had a lot of Post-its notes (shocking, I know) on hand so I thought we would go on a Post-it adventure.  I went around the house and labeled many different things. 
Pinky's post its were pink and Monkey's were green. The object of the game was to go around, find your color and write the word or letter on your paper.  Pinky also had to say the sound that each letter makes. The kids had a blast!  
Be creative with your kiddos.  Find what drives them and go from there.  Even if you aren't labeling items in your home, write their spelling words and post them around for them to find. If you make learning fun it will become a game for them and not a chore.  

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