Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Wound Is Still Painfully Fresh.

Last weekend I found myself at a friends baby shower singing Happy Birthday to her dear Grandma.  As I sat there I could feel my throat swelling bigger and bigger. You know that feeling, the one you get right before you are thrown into an ugly cry.  I looked out the window in hopes that the brick that was lodged in my neck would quickly dissolve.  All that I could think about was that I would no longer have the privilege and honor of singing that song to my Grandma ever again.  I still hear hymns being sung and start to cry.  So if ever you are aware that 'The Roll is Called Up Yonder' or 'The Sweet By and By' will be being sung anywhere that I am headed, please urge me to be late.  Certain smells can take me back, or just witnessing granddaughters still helping their Grandma's along, I have to look away. For me this is something that I just can't kick and honestly I hope I never do.  I hope that her memory stays this real for all of the tomorrows to come.  

On October 13, 2013 she fell asleep in Jesus until He comes to take her home.  I remember that weekend like it was last night.  The week prior I got a call from my parents that she had fallen and broken her hip. She was in a lot of pain, but surgery would be the next step.  Surgery in fact did follow as well as a stroke that found me on the first flight out headed 'home'.  When I arrived at the nursing home I was in no way prepared for what I had to witness. The beautiful woman who had been the matriarch of our family for my whole life was now in a fetal position fighting for her life.  Usually in situations such as this I tend to turn to humor to survive, although in that moment nothing around me was worth laughing for.  My world was crashing and I now had a front row seat for the show.  Hours before her death I was asked by Hospice to go alone and say goodbye.  How do you do that?  How do you say goodbye to a best friend?  I entered her room alone and unleashed my ugly cry at the foot of the cross.  Of all the days to decide to wear mascara, I chose that one.  I don't know if my Grandma knew I was there, but I like to think that she did.  We were all given a list of 5 things that we were to tell her.  As I wailed at her bedside I told her that I would do whatever it took to get my family and myself to Heaven.  This was a woman who had God on her speed-dial.  There were very few moments that she wasn't talking to Him or about Him.  Her love for Him was contagious and the light of Jesus oozed out of her veins.  If I ever called her asking for advice, the first thing she would say was "Honey, did you talk to Jesus"?  It was her first reaction for everything.  

I remember laying in bed at my parents and hearing the phone ring at 2:23 am, but this time the ring reminded me of the tornado sirens I grew up listening to.  I knew who was calling, but still hoped it was a wrong number or even a dream.  I remember my Dad telling the person on the other end "Ok, thank you", then getting off and saying "Well, that's it". Those words were so final.  That's it.  But I still had questions to ask her, pictures to show her.  Christian still wanting to brag about his reading and Chloe had drawings to give her.  How could this be it?  Suddenly I found myself standing in front of the promise that I had made to her.  If for some reason I didn't make it to Heaven, it wasn't going to be because I didn't do all I could to get there.  I think when she passed it scared me that I wouldn't remember all she had taught me.  Would I remember to first talk to Jesus?  

In my faith we don't believe that you go to Heaven when you pass.  As Seventh-day Adventists we believe what the bible says in John 5:28-29 - Do not marvel at this, for an hour is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear his voice 29 and come out, those who have done good to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil to the resurrection of judgment. Though I don't believe that my Grandma is in Heaven watching me, I do believe that she would be proud of the new road that I have taken on my spiritual walk.  I have always been a Christian and a follower of Christ, but in this busy season of my life, I have found myself in the past forgetting to talk to Jesus first.  Lately I can feel my heart changing and for that I am thankful.  I find myself not wanting to be part of conversations, things that used to be high priority are now only a memory.   I want to talk to Him more than ever before.  I want to make sure my kids truly know him, not just know of Him.  

My Grandma left a voice mail on my cell phone two years ago on my birthday that I have kept to this day. In her message she asked whether or not I would ever be less busy and able to sit and rock like she was then able to do.  My daily prayer is that one day she and I will rock side by side in the Kingdom of Heaven.  The only prayer that I pray more than that one is that 'that day' will be tomorrow.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Down, Set, Hike!

Sunday, February 2, 5:30 PM on FOX
MetLife Stadium, East Rutherford, New Jersey

The Super Bowl is this coming Sunday and this household will be cheering shouting long and strong for the Denver Broncos.  Here are a few suggestions to add to your Football Food List that are great for both adults and kiddos.  

Turkey Veggie Meatball Sliders - 
From For The Family

Mini Corndog Muffins - 
From Moveable Feasts

Guacamole - 
From Emerging Foodie

Cheesy Beef Dip - 
From Inkhead

Buckeyes - 
From Jen's Favorite Cookies

20 Amazing Non-Alcoholic Party Drinks - 
From Pretty Providence

Sunday, January 26, 2014

SOUP-er Sunday

Happy Sunday, everyone.  I hope that your weekend has been peaceful, relaxing and spent with family. Here is another soup to spice up your Sunday.  More than likely you already have the 'tools in your toolbox' to make this yummy meal without even needing to leave your home.


Saturday, January 25, 2014

A Sugar-Free Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is fast approaching us.  Are you starting to prepare?  Most of you have little ones who will be participating in a Valentine exchange so I wanted to share some ideas that I found sooner rather than later - especially if you have more than one child to plan for.  The ideas that I found are homemade, sugar free and allergy friendly.

The ladies over at The Crafting Chicks have this Bouncy Ball printable that you can download and print. Hobby Lobby and Target sell these bouncy balls by packs of 12 for $4.00.  If you buy them from Hobby Lobby you can use a 40% of coupon.  


Over at THOMPSONandSPRING you can find this cute idea that would be great to give to both boys and girls.  You can find these great 'vintage' wooden rulers at Target for .47 each.  


If you head over to Pluckymomo you can find this printable for some really cute Sippy Straw Valentines. They also have a printable that could be used for a birthday party as well.  You can find a pack of 8 Sippy Straws at Walmart for $1.99


Craftiness Is Not Optional just might get the award for having the cheapest Valentine idea.  These are so cute and again I say, CHEAP!  You can get 15 glow sticks in a pack at Target in the dollar section.  Click on the link above to go and print off the greeting.  


The Teacher Wife has this really great co-ed printable to go along with any fun and colorful pencil.

Happy Planning!  

Friday, January 24, 2014

Making Chores Not As Much Of A Chore

Happy Friday Y'all!  
I have had quite a few questions asking how I deal with chores in our home for our kids. Instead of me trying to take pictures of each action and the process involved, I chose to try out this whole vlogging business; because let's face it, ain't nobody got that kind of time around here.  
Since this is my first video please be patient and slow to judge.  Most of all though, I hope you will at least get some ideas and inspiration for putting together a system that could work best for you and your family.

Click here to learn about our Chore Chart 

If you would like to have a copy of the charts sent to you that I made, click here and send me a private message on my Facebook page with your email address attached.


Monday, January 20, 2014

This Is How We Roll.

Today we, and by we I mean me, are touching up the walls inside of Casa Huen.  You know the drill... spots EVERYWHERE.  Where did all of these marks come from that I look around and see smacked right upside my walls?  Oh yes, I remember.  The football print leftover from the never ending game of indoor tackle ball?  The constant need to touch the wall no matter what meal is being devoured.  The muddy boots brought in from outside and swung ever so gently intensely into the wall.  And let us not forget the footprint from the attempt at an Olympic sized handstand.  Point is, they need to be gone.  We have light colored walls so whatever escapades have taken place, if not covered, we will always have proof of the crime.

I wanted to share a couple tips with you that help the process go quicker for me.

First, go through your old leftover paint cans and put them in something that is going to not only be easily stored, but that will not leave rust particles in your paint.  Label them with both color and what room they belong in.  This way you can easily find the one that you need and not end up with the wrong color on your walls.

Second, before you pour your paint into your pan, cover it with tin foil.  This way you won't have to clean up a horrendous mess after you are done. These few seconds will save you lots of time in the end.

And, paint!

Make those walls look clean and fresh.  Spring is upon us, well at least here in Texas, so get your lists made of what you want to accomplish before we enter the inferno.

Happy Painting!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Soup-er Sunday

5.0 from 4 reviews
Chicken Enchilada Soup and My Top 10 Soup Recipes
  • 1 15-ounce can black beans, rinsed and drained
  • 1 14.5-ounce can diced tomatoes (I used the kind with sweet onion in it)
  • 1 10-ounce package frozen whole kernel corn
  • ½ cup chopped onion
  • ½ cup chopped yellow, green, or red bell pepper (I used red, which is my favorite pepper)
  • 1 10-ounce can enchilada sauce (I used mild)
  • 1 10.75-ounce can condensed cream of chicken soup
  • 1½ cups milk (I used skim)
  • 1 cup shredded Pepper jack cheese (4 ounces)
  • 2 chicken breasts
  1. In a 3½ to 5 quart slow cooker, combine drained beans, tomatoes, corn, onion, and bell pepper. Place 2 chicken breasts on top of mixture. In a large bowl, whisk together enchilada sauce and soup. Gradually whisk in milk until smooth. Pour sauce mixture over ingredients in cooker.Cover; cook on low heat for 6 to 8 hours or on high for 3 to 4 hours.
  2. Remove chicken and cut or shred into bite sized pieces. Add chicken back into soup.
  3. Top with pepper jack cheese and serve. Can also be topped with avocado, sour cream, or crushed tortilla chips. Note: if the soup is too thick for you, just add a little more milk after it’s all cooked.
This picture and recipe are from

One Word

Do you have a word? You know, a word that you think about all of the time that you just can't shake.  I have a word. It's dangerous and messy and makes me question myself over and over again.  The word is patience.  It is eight tiny letters that bring me to my knees daily as I ask my sweet Savior to "Help Me'. I come desperate each day and each day He forgives me and teaches me about grace. 

Patience is hard for me.  It has never come easy for me and I struggle.  I've always had the need to be one step ahead of the game.  I hate waiting.  I need to make lists, be ready, plan, prepare, get'r done.  I expect a lot from myself and when others aren't sitting next to me on the same 'crazy train', I start to feel hot and not in a cute sexy way either. 

Many people have high hopes for an easy year.  I, however, am hoping for just the opposite.  I want need this year to be really hard, but only for me.  I need to learn.  To grow.  To fall, but into the arms of Jesus. Some of the most difficult moments in my life have been those where I was brought to the foot of the cross. Naked, Defeated. Moments that stretched and changed me.

The times where I was an awful wife, and allowed bitterness to grow inside my heart towards my husband...
The days that I grumbled in discontentment towards my children because they weren't being who I thought they needed to be...

When I failed, fell, and couldn't get up... He picked me up. When I was tired of trying to remind myself to ask. And in all my impatience I am asking, daily for God to please be my source of patience.  Please help me to release the chains and just shut up. To realize that it's okay if everything isn't right this second. If the dishes don't get cleared in 2.5 seconds (kidding of I), if my kids don't respond at that exact moment, that it's okay.  At the end of my journey, none of that chatter will matter.  But what will is that the people who meant the most to me will have known it.  Felt it.  That they felt love, gentleness, patience.  And that they felt it in my presence. Just like Jesus.  He has more patience for us that we will ever begin to deserve.  Time and time again He waits on us, hoping, praying yet still loving.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

So if you haven't already noticed, it's January and with that comes resolutions of weight loss and health. From October to well, now, has left me feeling quite round and soft.  Not to mention, pale. Can we say lily of the valley. Moving on. I don't know if any of you have seen the
Chubby Bunny Challenge, 
but for me it hits a little close to home. Between the pumpkin spice, peppermint brownies and every other sweat treat known to the holiday season and to Starbucks, they have all entered my mouth one way or another.  Now that I have gifted each of you with that lovely image...Happy New Year!  

So my lovely children, to which I brought into this world and gave the gift of life, asked me the other day if I had a baby in my tummy.  Oh Saint Helena! What ,What?   After scrapping myself up off the ground from which I had just fallen to my death I replied, "Well, yes I do.  Mommy has a sugar baby in her tummy." The following day I, along with my two little Honest Abe's, took a trip to Hobby Lobby where they felt a burning desire to inform the cashier that their Mommy was carrying a sugar baby in her tummy.  The poor woman's face was stunned, however, in no where near as paralyzed a state as that of my own.  I mean since when do we go to Hobby Lobby to share stories?  We are there for crafts and not a thing more.  

In the following days I will post more about my weight loss journey and how why I have ended up where I am at this moment.  
But in the meantime, I'm saving for some tie dyed rainbow running shoes that I am praying will give me mad running skills like that of Usain Bolt.  In my mind I know I am Insane, but we will see which story holds true.  

Whether you are looking to loose weight, be more healthy or just trying to find something to feed to the hungry beaks in your family, here is a really yummy chicken dinner.  We are big on sweet potatoes around here so we add that along with another vegetable and call it a day.  

Happy Eating

The World’s Best Baked Chicken
Serves: 4
  • 4 chicken breasts
  • generous ½ cup of plain low-fat greek yogurt
  • generous 3 tbs of grated parmesan cheese
  • 2 tsp. finely chopped garlic (fresh)
  • 1 tsp. finely chopped onion (fresh)
  • a good pinch of salt & pepper
  • 1 tsp. dried italian herbs 
  1. Preheat over to 375
  2. Place chicken breast in a large resealable bag or between sheets of wax paper and give them a good whack with the bottom of a pan or a rolling pin. Alternately, if they are coming out of the freezer and are still a bit icy, you could butterfly the breasts (and adjust the cooking time accordingly)
  3. Mix the rest of the ingredients in a bowl – taste it, you’ll melt!
  4. I took each of my pieces of chicken and pulled them through the yogurt coating on either side. You could just dump it in the ziplock but I really wanted to keep as much of the coating as I could!
  5. Place chicken breasts on a foil lined cookie sheet (so they aren’t touching)
  6. Bake for 30-35 minutes
  7. Turn broil to high for about 2 minutes before I took them out so they got nice and toasty on the top.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Need to Opt Out?

Does this picture remind you of your own mailbox?
I had our mail stopped while we were in Nebraska over Christmas and when we returned, so did our mail.  By the looks of it all, one would have thought that we were running a Fortune 500 company from our home. The amount of unwanted mail was literally off the chain.  We were being shown new cars that could 'easily' find their way to our garage making us all that we could be in 2014. We were taunted by great deals on any and every electronic device know to man. Toy adds for the kids just in case they hadn't received everything for Christmas that the commercials had told them earlier that they wanted. And last but not least, adds for the Mom who, because it's January 1,  now feels like a round, smelly, pimpled, frizzy haired slob.  Really?  Why?  How did all of these stalkers get my address?  

Once I finally sorted and shredded the nonsense I, like any other modern human being, headed to my computer. Low and behold, there Peeping Tom was again, only this time he was peeping in on me through my email.  How dare he?  I wasn't even wearing a bra.  My inbox was full of new messages from people that I didn't recall ever introducing myself to.

For me it is so much easier to 'find' things that I want or need or just have to have otherwise the world will start shaking and the grounds will crack; if they are constantly available at my fingertips.  Just one click away and I can have that amazing...fill in the blank

All of these adds, whether they're via snail mail or email, tell me I can look like, be like, or drive like 'everyone' else.  Why would I want to though?  We try and teach our children that it is cool to be unique and different.  That if we follow the crowd, we run the risk of getting lost.  Why would that example only apply to little ones?  My idea of being cool and unique is not having the same outrageous amount of credit card debt that 'everyone else' has been blessed cursed with. My idea of being cool is showing my kids that just because it looks new and shiny and everyone else is getting one, doesn't mean that it is going to make us any happier.  That being happy is being with family, being able to afford food, shelter, oh yeah and toilet paper.  That the things that should make us the happiest are not the things of this world. In my opinion those are the things that should make you cool.  Faith, happiness, joy, peace, serenity, family, friends, love, laughter. Why are the high marketing firms not concerned with wanting us to add these shiny gems to our new year?  Why, because they are free. They don't cost anything and yet they are the things that never seem to show up on our wish lists.  On my 2014 wish list you will find the desire to teach my kids that less is more. That if we can achieve the things that are not of this world then we will have everything that we need.  Our jeans or handbags or shoes might not be up to date with this season's trends, but we will be happy.  I challenge you to start being 'cool' in 2014.

If you would like to opt-out as I did, click here to be taken to the government site that will allow you to get rid of the stalkers and Peeping Toms in your life.  


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The New Normal

What is normal?  Webster's Dictionary defines normal as this: conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.  Who are the 'people' who decide what the standard is...for us?  Are we choosing what the standard is for ourselves and our family, or are we allowing the woman across the street to sway our idea of what our normal should look like.  

In high school I didn't have a ton of girlfriends. I had three really close friends, one of whom I still talk to today.  At that time in my life I would have rather hung out with the male population because it was easier. With girlfriends came drama and I just wasn't up for that mess.  Trying to be like them, look like them, act like them, it just all seemed so time consuming. Looking back, now that I am older and wiser (ha,ha), I probably came across as a real bitch.  For that I have regrets, but what I don't regret is that at that young age I realized that I didn't want someone else to tell me what was normal for me.  I have to give my parents props for having that understanding.  They are very 'normal' people who were never swayed by what others might think.  They have lived in the same house my whole life, never had to have the newest cars, never felt like what someone else had was going to make them better.

Now that I am an adult and a parent I see that the desire to define normal is even bigger, especially for moms. We are all out of high school, yet we seem to be just as judgmental as we were when we walked the halls.  We judge other women whether we truly know them or not. Why do her kids act like that?  Why can't she keep her house clean?Why does she always look upset? Why does she have a cleaning lady? Why does her hair never look combed? Why is she never with her kids?  Why, why, why?  What and who gives us the right to ask questions like this?  Not only are we quick to judge others, we judge ourselves just the same. Why can't I keep a clean house?  Why don't my kids use manners in public? Why am I not that skinny? Why doesn't my marriage look like that? Why is she so happy? Why is her life so...normal?  

Everyone's normal looks different from yours and mine. What works for me and my family, isn't going to work for you in the same ways.  Instead of trying to set the standard for someone else's life we need to be more focused on setting our own standard. What works for me and my family is the question that we need to be asking ourselves.  As women, we need to be lifting each other up instead of breaking each other down.  We tell our children to mind their business, yet we are not leading by example.   The roller coaster of mommyhood would be much more enjoyable if we didn't feel like someone was constantly trying to push us out of the car.  We live in a world where comparison is everywhere.  We are always being challenged to be like, look like, do like, when all the while our family and our own self is on the suffering end.    

When we moved to Texas, the first year was really dark for me.  We had just come from a place where we were excepted for who we were and not for what we had, or did, or could do for others.  We came from a church family that embraced us and our children and who didn't allow politics to get involved in friendships.  It took me quite some time to find a group of women who I didn't feel were judging me.  Who didn't come across as trying to define my standard or beliefs. Who wanted to walk this journey of mommyhood with me and not push me off the trail or make me believe that their trail was the better choice for my walk.  I was naive to think that I would only find these types of 'Christian's' at church, my church.  I thank God for community.  I am blessed with a great group of friends who take me at face value and in return I allow them that same freedom.  

Matthew 7:1-3 says:  
“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?  Do we really want God to judge us as we judge others?  Holy Moly!!  

My final point is this:  At the end of the day the only one who we will soon be judged by that truly matters is God.  His standard is the only one that we need to be focused on.  Not the standard that we have seen in the grocery store, or in Target, or in our MOPS group or even at our church.  Choose your own normal and keep your eye on the prize, which is eternal life with our Heavenly Father.  When others look at you and question what your doing and how you are doing it, don't get discouraged and remember that the same verse above applies to them also.  Do you and your family a huge favor and don't compare yourself or them to anyone else. God gave us the members in our family because he knew we would be perfect for each other.  All we need to do is quit trying to replace our members with someone else's.


Friday, January 10, 2014

Hands On Fridays

I have decided to do a segment each Friday called Hands On Fridays.  I have posted before about how my little dude sometimes needs that 'little extra' to keep him motivated. Something other than just sit down paperwork. I put a lot of time into finding different manipulatives to help the kiddos learn.  Our brains learn in so many different ways, why not utilize every way we can to help our kids. Sight, sound, touch, taste. Inside or outside, the possibilities are endless.
Monkey is very much like I was and still am in that we learn much easier and faster when what we are learning is more visual rather than just from a book.  I had a lot of Post-its notes (shocking, I know) on hand so I thought we would go on a Post-it adventure.  I went around the house and labeled many different things. 
Pinky's post its were pink and Monkey's were green. The object of the game was to go around, find your color and write the word or letter on your paper.  Pinky also had to say the sound that each letter makes. The kids had a blast!  
Be creative with your kiddos.  Find what drives them and go from there.  Even if you aren't labeling items in your home, write their spelling words and post them around for them to find. If you make learning fun it will become a game for them and not a chore.  

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

For Just a Moment

Worship is important for not only adults, but for kiddos too.  I came across this book by Max Lucado titled Grace for the Moment.  It has 365 Devotionals geared toward little minds.  At the end there is a question or two to get the little minds thinking.  In our family, worship is first on the plate right along with breakfast...literally.  It's hard to find time to work anything else in to your morning routine, so why not have worship at the table with your little ones while they eat.  I like the fact that this book has two options for purchase. You can buy it on Amazon by clicking here  for your Kindle for ONLY $2.99 or if you would rather have it in book form you can buy it in Hardback here. 
I believe that as parents it is our duty to start our kids day out right by helping them to realize who is on their side that day and everyday.  To each them who will be there for them during the day if they are away at school and Mommy or Daddy isn't there.  Who will be there with them when they need to say a quick prayer before a test or a reading assignment.  Who will be there when they need to choose what's the right thing to do when it may not be the cool thing to do.  It is our job to teach our children that there is never anything to small or silly for God.  By sharing the joy of talking to Jesus each day will build their relationship early and will become a habit in their lives early on.  What a blessing!   
These devotions are short and sweet and can easily be finished by the time their tummies are full.  If you don't have time at the breakfast table, the great thing about this book being in Kindle version is that you can have it on your iPad or iPhone which is also with you while you are sitting in the dreadful drop off lane.  If you choose to find a way, there are many ways to make sure that your children are fed each morning both physically and spiritually.  Who can pass up great spiritual growth for only $2.99?  That's cheaper than a cup of coffee!  Much cheaper than my coffee at least.  
I love the following verse and have to admit that it is a passage in scripture that played a huge part in why we chose to homeschool our kiddos and remains as a constant reminder for us as to why we still do.  Have a wonderul day Momma's.  
Deuteronomy 6:7 
You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.
